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Me, Rodrigo del Solar was born on 23. November 1961 in Vina del Mar / Chile. In 1964 me and my family immigrated to Göttingen in Germany. Three years later we moved to Ludwigshafen / Rhein.

In 1982 I finished high school at the Gymnasium in Mannheim and afterwards spent my time studying design, music and had different jobs. My life, where others make holiday began in Majorca, where I spent the next three years and know, love, and learned to windsurf. My enthusiasm for this sport was so great that I decided to be a windsurfing instructor. So my journey through the best beaches in Europe starts. After three years I moved from Majorca to Fuerteventura, a paradise for wind surfers, worked there for two major stations of RENÉ EGLI (pro center) and ULLI KOOP (Fanatic Fun Center). There i also deepened my enthusiasm for the ART, the shapes of jewelry and the defense of honest CRAFT. In these years, I worked two summers, also as a water sports instructor for SPORT-CHEQUE, a German provider of sports travel, in the north CHALKIDIKE GREECE. My next stop was the beautiful bay of Rosas in Catalonia. There I led the windsurfing school BALLENA ALEGRE II in the idyllic SAN PÈRE PESCADOR the cold of the winter, moved me southward. I landed in Tarifa, a mecca for surfers, worked first at the windsurfing center SPIN OUT for Daniela and Mark Stämpfli private until I decided to give lessons for beginners and advanced pupils. In 2004 I moved back to Majorca, where I teach my students about this wonderful island and the windsurfing. My base is in the southwest of Mallorca in the nice village of Santanyí but I'm teaching here at all suitable beaches where we find best conditions.

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